New generation device
for the treatment
of body imperfections!

New generation device
for the treatment
of body imperfections!

New generation device
for the treatment
of body imperfections!
The preset program Slim UP® Body Designer are specifically designed for the needs of the various areas of the body and these are divided into:
• arms
• Addomen or gluteus muscles
• Upper leg
• Lower leg region

Preset programs:

SLIM program
Program for the treatment of localized fat. The treatment protocol provides for a first phase of treatment focused on the metabolic reduction of the deep adipose tissue, and a second phase of derma massage combined with the thermal diathermy to favour a toning and shaping effect on the skin surface.
TONE program
Program for the treatment of the skin flabbiness problems. The protocol provides for different phases of derma stimulation made with different technologies. The vacuum massage for the derma reshaping is first accompanied by heat phases able to stimulate the collagen production and, as a second step, by cell stimulations made in athermal mode with athermal radiofrequency able to directly interact with the tissues. The last phase provides for the stimulation of the skin receptors through mechanical vibrations induced by the air rhythmical pressure, able to accelerate the skin firming processes too.
FIBRO program
Program for the treatment of fibrotic cellulite. The protocol provides for a first phase in which it is used the synergy of vacuum with thermal radiofrequency to obtain an unpacking effect of the collagenous fibres of fibrosis. The second phase provides for a further solicitation of the fibrotic structures through the µShock Wave, able to grant a further reducing effect of the subcutaneous asperities.The last stage provides for some phases of pressure stimulation with air to accelerate the microcirculation and the lymphatic drainage of the released metabolites.
DRAIN program
Program for the treatment of the lymphatic stasis and oedematous cellulite. The protocol provides for a first phase of stimulation of the surface circulation by means of thermal RF, the second stage provides for some phases of pressure stimulation able to activate the draining processes and then, the last phase where the synergy of vacuum with athermal RF stimulation completes the draining protocol of the lymphatic stagnations.

Hand-Piece A
µShock Wave
New type of emission able to create a massage through the emission of inelastic energizing waves. The technology is steered in order to emit an energizing wave of mechanical nature, by thus generating some vibrations that spread in all the subcutaneous structures. This technology is mainly applied in the fibrosis and therefore in all problems due to the tissue acidification. The action of protein structures reorganization and the normalisation of the extracellular ambience contribute to the microcirculation improvement with consequent greater uptake of oxygen and local metabolism. Through the parameter setting it is possible to have different action depths and different types of stimulation.

Hyperthermic RF (Six-pole Resistive RF)
Special resistive emission able to reactivate the cells designated to the production of elasticising proteins; besides, this energy is able to grant chemical actions on the existing collagen by restoring the lost elasticity. The energy provokes a pleasant heat controlled in the temperature always respectful of all basal structures of derma. Physiologically, the temperature increase entails an increase of tissue oxygenation and therefore an improvement of all cellular and trophic functions. This effect has got a strong benefit in the cellulite treatment. Besides, the controlled increase of temperature leads to the activation of a series of replies, mediated by special cellular receptors, aimed at the increase of the protein synthesis of new collagen.
Athermal RF (Six-pole Resistive modulating)
The electromagnetic diathermy, if used in athermal mode, is able to grant a regulatory activity of the proteins of the cellular membrane, by creating ions controlled flows that activate a fall of draining reactions. The radiofrequency signal is remodulated by making it able to interact with different cellular structures.
Phase of treatment that exploits the air mechanical skills. Through pressure rhythmical actions it is possible to stimulate special nervous corpuscles, at derma level, and also at muscular level, responsible of the activation of a firming effect, by thus carrying out a double firming phase both of the skin and of the striated tissue. The treatment is made with different on and off times, according to the application needs of the specific treatment: type 1: T. on 1sec; T. off 1sec;type 2: T. on 1sec; T. off 2sec.
Cavitation (Frequency modulating)
This technology uses low frequency ultrasounds for a deep treatment of cellulite problems. The preset programs exploit the multifactorial nature of treatment typical of the device, therefore this technology is available exclusively in the manual program of hand-piece A.
Hand-Piece B
Hyperthermic RF (Six-pole Resistive RF)
Special resistive emission able to reactivate the cells designated to the production of elasticising proteins; besides, this energy is able to grant chemical actions on the existing collagen by restoring the lost elasticity. The energy provokes a pleasant heat controlled in the temperature always respectful of all basal structures of derma. Physiologically, the temperature increase entails an increase of tissue oxygenation and therefore an improvement of all cellular and trophic functions. This effect has got a strong benefit in the cellulite treatment. Besides, the controlled increase of temperature leads to the activation of a series of replies, mediated by special cellular receptors, aimed at the increase of the protein synthesis of new collagen.

Athermal RF (Six-pole Resistive RF modulating)
The electromagnetic diathermy, if used in athermal mode, is able to grant a regulatory activity of the proteins of the cellular membrane, by creating ions controlled flows that activate a fall of draining reactions. The radiofrequency signal is remodulated by making it able to interact with different cellular structures.
Pulsed Vacuum
Phase of treatment that exploits the air mechanical skills. Through phases of controlled suction it is possible to act in a selective way on the tissues; the massage, by acting on the reticular fibres, is able to stimulate the tissue regeneration; besides, through the depression phases it is also possible to make an action of skin liquids handling and therefore a draining phase. The treatment is made with different on and off times, according to the application needs of the specific treatment: type 1: T. on 1sec; T. off 1sec; type 2: T. on 2sec; T. off 0,5sec; type 3: T. on 2sec; T. off 4sec.
Electrical Stimulation (Frequency modulating)
At the center of the hand-piece there are two microprismatic rolls for the emission of specific currents aimed at the conveyance of the used cosmetic products; these rolls have also the function to improve the hand-piece sliding on the body and apply a direct mechanical action on the treated area.
Active program light Slim UP® Body Designer.

Nand-piece B system with replaceable
filter for vacuum program.

Technical specifications
- Input voltage: 230 V~
- Main frequency: 47/63 Hz
- Power consumption: 200 W
- Electrical safety Class I
- Applied accessories type BF
- Continuous operating device
- Dimensions: 55x64x185 cm
The manufacturer reserves the right to make modification to products to improve them, without giving prior notice..