A newly designed beauty therapy
unit, patented, which combines
infrared rays with steam
and aroma-therapy.


A newly designed beauty therapy
unit, patented, which combines
infrared rays with steam
and aroma-therapy.


A newly designed
beauty therapy
unit, patented,
which combines
infrared rays with steam
and aroma-therapy.


Heat, steam, aromas and...

Slim UP® BIG STEAM is a newly designed beauty therapy unit combining the thermal eect of infrared rays with the benecial eects of steam and aromatherapy


  • Lipolytic or fat reducing effect, in other words a beneficial effect on excess fat and obesity, since it stimulates local metabolism thanks to the heat which penetrates deeper in the body by means of the infrared rays, than it does with other methods
  • Beneficial effect on cellulite due to increased circulation, capillarisation, oxygenation, local nutrition, detoxification, vascular gymnastics and to the lipolytic effect
  • Better penetration of cosmetic products due to the increased micro-circulation and the reduction of the skin electrical barrier
  • Detoxifying or detoxicant effect due to increased perspiration and the elimination of drugs, toxins, pollutants etc.
  • Stimulating effect on the immune system and on antiviral defenses
  • Analgesic and pain-killing effect
  • Muscle relaxing and soothing effect
  • Relaxing effect

cellulite* = cellulite blemishes

Picture 023
The "bed" shape of this device allows an ideal integration with the treatments of the beautician; in fact, there can be effected various kinds of manual treatments: oil massages, application of mud, clay, salts and more.

Vaporization and aroma

  • Better absorption of aromas which are conveyed by steam through sweat glands which are activated at their most and through sebaceous glands which are freed from sebum.
  • Vessel toning, reducing and firming effect due to the nature of aromatic active principles.


SLIM UP® ULTRA includes a transponder uploading system for the SLIM UP® TOP CARD in which the treatments recorded by SLIM UP® STATION are stored; after been performed, they are automatically taken off the SLIM UP® TOP CARD.

Card with data uploading by transponder

It identifies the costumer, stores the treatment cycle, selects and activates the programmes on the single machines, detects the number and the type of treatments...

The Slim Up® TOP CARD is a card that helps you optimize and synchronize your treatments in the various machines of the Slim Up® TOP CENTER.

The Slim Up® TOP CARD is generated by the Slim Up® STATION after analyzing all the relevant characteristics of your customer.

With its internal memory it takes into account the program you need to carry out and activates it on the other machines indicating the specific treatments for each application. Once the treatment is finished it updates itself recording the progress of the planned programme.


SLIM UP® BIG STEAM is a newly designed beauty therapy unit combining the thermal effect of infrared rays with the beneficial eects of steam and aromatherapy; it features five programmes alternating and combining these functions for obtaining a vessel toning, firming, reducing and slimming effect according to needs; this is an essential unit for the multi-factor treatment of cellulite..


A) draining effect, in case of water retention, oedema, cellulite with lymph-oedemas, and excess weight due to the increase of the body liquid component.

B) lipolytic effect in case of excess weight.

C) beneficial effect in all types of cellulite, due to a better local vascularization, to the improved drainage, to the elimination of toxins and of waste products and to lipolysis.

D) skin firming effect, due to the deep penetration of essential oils.


cellulite* = cellulite blemishes

A user-friendly sophisticated microprocessorcontrolled control unit manages all SLIM UP® BIG STEAM functions

SLIM UP® BIG STEAM features 5 automatic work programmes which alternate and combine the operation of infrared rays, steam and aromatherapy (with the opportunity to select 3 different aromas) and 3 functions for the manual selection of IR, steam and aromas.

Displaying programmes

Setting the work programmes
Only 3 push-buttons, along with a complete and immediate response of the back-lit alphanumerical display, make it possible to easily select all functions.

Displaying aroma stock
Three LED dedicated to the three aroma tanks show when aromas are going to be used up.

Displaying water stock
A LED shows when the water tank is going to be used up.

Both manual and controlled by SLIM UP® TOP CARD (SLIM UP TOP CENTER®

Slim UP® Big Steam is independent of the water system

1) Three reservoirs for managing three different aromas

2) Filling water tank

3) Waste water tank

Tecnical specifications
  • Power voltage: 230 V~
  • Mains frequency: 50/60 Hz
  • Absorbed power: 3000 W
  • Class I appliance
  • Continuous function appliance
  • Sectioning and cutout by switch high-sensitivity residual current circuit breaker

The manufacturer reserves the right to make modification to products to improve

Discover the Beauty Center Kit, the set of SLIM UP® tools for well-being, body and face care.
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